Annexing Space to Create An Ideal Kitchen

It's been awhile since I've written.  I only realized that fact when a new client wrote me about his upcoming project in Grant Park and then expressed concern that we were no longer in business.  We are most certainly in business; I've just too busy to write about it.  However, we've done a lot of … [Read more...]

Kitchens are Paramount

It’s that simple. They are the absolute nucleus of the home.  They are the modern day campfire, where everyone gathers:  family, children, friends. Having a party?  You might want everyone to congregate in your lovely living room, take in your beautiful fireplace and hearth, feel the warmth of … [Read more...]

Putting the Care into the Character of Vintage Windows

We have done a lot of window restoration, mainly of windows that are 80-130 years old.  Mostly, the windows we restore haven’t been touched in decades, except some re-glazing and enough paint to make sure that the windows are stuck shut. There are different levels of window restoration.  Bare … [Read more...]

The Cowboy Code: Using Heart of Pine to Disprove Father Time

How is it that houses built 100 or even 200 years ago are still standing? Every day, I see things that amaze me.   Instead of today's framing codes that dictate 16" on center for roof rafters, I see framing that is sometimes 3 feet on center.  That is some seriously gappy spacing for roof … [Read more...]

Unexpectedly Salvaging

I relish putting antique materials back where they belong.  Re-hanging mantels back onto raw brick openings in old houses; installing hundred year old medicine cabinets into the wall cavity of a bathroom, complete with imperfect beveled mirrors, the silvering flawed and interesting; or hanging … [Read more...]

Infuse Spaces with Warmth Using Salvaged House Parts

Several of my most enjoyable renovation projects were houses that were totally violated:  everything worth anything ripped clean out of them.  In fact, I live in one of those houses now so I’ll talk about this one.  We bought this house after watching it sit vacant for 7 years--of course, that’s not … [Read more...]